Programme of XIV edition of INTO Seminar
Innovation and Tourism International Seminar 
Innovations to reach a Circular Tourism Destination: Opportunities and Challenges 

First Day – November 28th
8:45h.- Registration
9:00h.- Official Opening.
9:30h.- Keynote speech – Is a regenerative tourism possible? Tourism as a catalyst for regional regeneration, circular economies, and climate resilience.
Moderator: Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl, Consultant and educator in regenerative development, whole systems design, and transformative education
10:30h.- Coffee break 
11:00h - 12:30h - Brokerage Event
11:00h.- Session I –The role of the Administration and the DMOs. Success stories
Moderator: Dr. Marta Jacob, Professor of the Department of Applied Economics at University of the Balearic Islands
  • Tourism in a Circular Economy: Key Considerations
​Speaker: Dr. Paul Ekins, Professor of Resources and Environment Policy at UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
  • The role of digital platforms in the Spanish tourist destinations
Speaker: Mr. José Juan Lorenzo, CEO Next Technology & Tourism
  • Mallorca circular: Real circular economy practices
Speaker: Mr. Rafael Guinea, General Manager of TIRME
  • Sustainability is crucial in the Smart Tourist Destination Model
Speaker: Mr. Víctor Badorrey, Director of Institutional Relations of Segittur
12:30h.- Session II – ICTs and environmental technologies for the circular economy
Moderator: Dr. Juan Mulet, PhD in Engineering and a Master in Business Administration (MBA)
  • Towards smart and circular economy: the role of digitalisation
Speaker: Dr. Totti Könnölä, Managing Director of Insight Foresight Institute 
  • Environmental technologies for the circular economy
Speaker: Mr. Manuel Aguirre, Founding partner at Sostinendo
  • How ICTs have helped the development of the circular economy
Speaker: Mr. Antonio Ballester, CEO of ESTEL Ingeniería y Obras
14:00h.- Lunch
15:00h - 17:00h - Brokerage Event
16:00h.- Workshop – Circular tourism business models 
Workshop coordinators: Mr. Carlos León & Mrs. Rebeca Arnedo, Co-Founders of Sustainn
18:00h.-End of Sessions.

Second Day – November 29th
9:00h.- Keynote – Son Amar Green: Solution for pollution: Mr. Benjamin Miles, General manager of Son Amar 
10:00h.- Session III – Innovations in circular economy in the accommodation and restaurant sectors 
Moderator: Dr. Joan Enric Capellà, Founder and CEO at SOM
  • Latest-generation NZEB construction systems with high thermal performance and comfort
Speaker: Mr. Jesús Huerta, Specification Manager at BMI GROUP
  • Majorcan family economy applied to the life cycle of hotel infrastructures and their management
Speaker: Mr. Guillem Bauzà, CEO of TALAT  
  • Circularity of tourist destinations
Speaker: Mr. David Mora, Consultant of Emoturismo
  • Moving beyond plastics
Speaker: Mrs. Soraya Romero, Sustainability Direrctor EMEA at Iberostar Group
11:30h.- Coffee break
12:00h.- Session IV- The involvement of tourists and residents. Success stories
Moderator: Dr. Diego Medina, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
  • Packaging waste management and recycling as a vector for implementing the circular economy at tourist destinations
Speaker: Mr. Julio López, Manager of Institutional relations at ECOEMBES
  • What role can tourists and residents play in order to promote circular tourism - examples from Scotland
Speaker: Mrs. Emma Whittet, Project Manager-Food Waste at Zero Waste Scotland
  • How to carry out the transition towards a more circular tourist activity in the hotel sector: The role of DMOs, resident population, and tourism sector.
Speaker: Dr. Marta Jacob, Professor of the Department of Applied Economics at University of the Balearic Islands
Speaker: Dr. Carmen Florido, Vice Dean of Postgraduate of the Faculty of Business and Tourism of the ULPGC
13:30h.- Round Table - Final conclusions and Future Trends of circular economy in tourism
14:30h.- Close of Seminar

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants35
  • Meetings Requested21
  • Meetings Accepted12


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  • Before Event459
  • After Event51118


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